Eurylae: The Chroma Saga

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Prototypes: Concept Artwork

“Our eyes fail from grief. We grow dim because of all our foes.”

“May she trample me to the ground. And leave my honor in the dust.”

As he looked upon her lifeless body, all the anger and bitterness that had been simmering inside of him for years boiled over. He knew that he should feel sadness, or regret, but all he could muster was a cold fury. She had taken everything from him- his family, his home, his livelihood. And now she had taken away his very life as well. He vowed that she would pay for what she had done.

He followed her trail of destruction like a bloodhound until he finally caught up to her. In a fit of rage, he attacked her with all his might. She fought back fiercely, but in the end he was victorious. As she lay dying at his feet, he realized that there was nothing left for him in this world anymore. With a heavy heart, he took his own life using the same weapon that she had used to kill so many others.

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