The Proto-Hidden J’ila Narikidai

“Her loving devotion is before my eyes, and I have walked in her truth”

As I look out upon the world, I see nothing but corruption and evil. Everywhere I turn, there are those who seek to do harm and destroy all that is good and pure. But amidst this darkness, there is one light that shines brightly: my lady's unwavering devotion. She stands strong in the face of adversity, never wavering in her faith or her commitment to doing what is right.

“We hate the mob of evildoers, and refuse to sit with the wicked”

With every step she takes, she battles against the wicked and their vile schemes, refusing to sit idle while they bring ruin to the world around them. Her courage and resolve inspire me to be just as brave, to follow in her footsteps and fight against the forces of darkness wherever they may be found. With my lady leading the way, I know that we will triumph over evil, no matter how dark and sinister it may seem.


The Borasen Kugamal Arrive In Proto-York


Rhadamanthine Cleric Prototypes