Darkh’an Guild Navigators

“You will never call us to account”

“Call him to account for his wickedness. Until none is left to be found.”

They say that revenge is a dish best served cold. But what do you do when the person you want to take revenge on is already long dead? For centuries, the Darkh’an Guild of Navigators has been cursed with this very dilemma. Their founder, Kanash, was a cruel and despotic man, who met his end at the hands of his own people. And yet, even in death, he still holds them captive.

For years, they have searched for a way to break free from his curse, but all their efforts have been in vain. Until one day, a young girl named Aya comes into their midst. She is unlike any other Navigator they have ever seen and she claims to know how to break Kanash’s curse.

At first, they are skeptical of her abilities but she soon proves herself by leading them on a successful raid against one of their rivals. Inspired by her success, the Navigators begin to trust her and follow her instructions without question.

As they get closer to breaking the curse, Aya reveals her true identity: she is Kanash’s daughter! Betrayed and enraged by this revelation, the Navigators turn on her and try to kill her. But Aya is too strong for them and she escapes unharmed.

Now more determined than ever to break free from her father’s curse, Aya sets out on a new quest: to find the remaining members of the Darkh’an Guild and bring them to justice for their crimes against him.


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