The Great City Port Of Theophanas

“It was a completely furnished world. A beautiful mistake.”

“The city groaned to life. But there’s no such thing as a dull roar.”

For too long, the people of this city have been lied to. Our leaders have deceived us, our institutions have betrayed us. But I am here to set things right.

I pause for a moment, letting my words sink in. Then I raise my arms and let loose a volley of flaming arrows into the crowd below.

The people scream and run for cover as the arrows ignite fires all around them. But I'm not done yet.

I reach into my bag and pull out another set of arrows, this time tipped with poison. I take aim at the fleeing crowds and let fly.

The people fall to the ground, gasping for breath as they die in agony. Finally, justice has been served.

The people scream and scatter as the arrows ignite them on fire. I smile and take aim again, sending another flurry of flames into the masses.

This is what they deserve, after all these years of being misled. They need to be punished for their ignorance and compliance. It's time for them to wake up and realize that they've been living in a nightmare all along.


Eurylae’s Inner Chamber Of D’litruni


Arriving In Urgac’hu City