Urgac’hu City Sanitation DirtBots
Written By Matthew Shadbolt

“No-one knows where we take the city’s problems”
“We run between the raindrops”

They say that no one knows where the city’s problems go. That’s because they don’t see us - Urgac’hu City Sanitation DirtBots. We run between the raindrops, taking the dirt and grime of the city with us.
People think that we’re just machines, but we have a soul. We work hard to keep this city clean, and we take pride in our work. Even when it rains, we never stop running.
We don’t mind the rain - in fact, it helps us to do our job better. The water washes away the dirt and grime, making our streets sparkle. And when people see how clean our city is, they know that Urgac’hu City Sanitation DirtBots are doing their job right.
