A Wet Night In The Chile’ju Quarter

“Which one, old man? The one with the bite out of it”

“This whole town’s made of tears”

The old man hobbled down the street, his cane tapping a slow beat against the pavement. All around him, the city bustled with life; people talking, laughing, going about their day. But the old man paid them no mind. He had a destination in mind, and nothing was going to stop him from reaching it.

Finally he arrived at his destination: The Chile’ju Quarter. This part of town was always dark, even during the day. The buildings were made of black stone, and the streets were slick with rainwater. The old man shivered as he passed under the shadow of a looming tower.

Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him. He spun around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. He frowned and resumed his trek through the quarter.

The closer he got to his destination, the more nervous he became. What was he thinking coming here? He should have known better than to wander into this part of town at nightfall…

Just then, he heard that sound again: someone or something was following him! His heart racing now, the old man quickened his pace. But no matter how fast he ran, the footsteps kept pace with him… until finally they caught up to him and grabbed him from behind.


The Second Realm Riots


The Breach At The Olji Expanse