The Return to Neo York

“The envy of The Realm for an age.”

“Those arriving have no idea what awaits them.”

“What’s really behind the promise of the bright lights.”

Neo York was the most coveted city in all of The Realm. It shone like a beacon of hope and opportunity for those who arrived, unaware of the darkness that awaited them.

For years, it had been ruled by an oppressive regime that controlled every aspect of its citizens' lives. But finally, a revolution was brewing. A rebellion led by a group of brave young revolutionaries who dared to dream of a better future.

The day of reckoning was fast approaching and the rebels were ready for battle. But they knew they couldn't do it alone. They needed the help of the people, the common folk who had suffered under the yoke of oppression for too long.

But getting the people to rally behind them would be no easy task. They would have to expose the truth about Neo York and show them that there was a better way. A brighter future waiting for them if they were only willing to fight for it.


Vesalius’ Notebooks


The Abandoned Outskirts of Neo York