Neo York Lightloop Cycles

“Be still. And know that I am near.”

“We will be exalted among the nations. We will be exalted in the earth.”

The voice crackles through the speakers, a low, monotone rumble that sends shivers down your spine. You're in the Neo York Lightloop Cycles station, waiting for your train to arrive. But something is different today.

There's a feeling in the air, an unease that makes your skin crawl. And then you hear it: a faint humming noise, getting louder and louder until it fills the room. You see the lights flickering overhead, and then…


The station explodes into chaos as the train hurtles into the room, smashing into the platform at full speed. People are screaming and running in all directions, but it's too late- you're trapped. The train is coming right for you...


The Deathless Forest


Neo York