Neo York Public Transportation

“Many long to enter. All long to leave.”

“Bringing hope to the hopeless, the trains arrive night and day from what’s left of The Breach”

The trains come and go, night and day. They bring hope to the hopeless, and they carry away those who no longer wish to be a part of this broken world.

Neo York Public Transportation is one of the last bastions of civilization left in this post-apocalyptic wasteland. But even in these crumbling ruins, there is still hope.

The trains arrive night and day, bringing new passengers from The Breach – the apocalyptic wasteland that lies beyond the city walls. And each time they arrive, it’s a reminder that there’s still something worth fighting for.

But for every passenger who boards the train, there’s another who wants to leave. Who wants to escape the death and destruction that surrounds them. These are the ones who cling to the hope that the trains offer – but they know that eventually, they will have to leave too.


Courier Bils’an’s Escape Route


Neo-York’s Spitalfields