Eurylae: The Chroma Saga

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The Burn Pit Scavengers

“The big fish eat the little ones”

“He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth”

The Burn Pit Scavengers were the masters of making wars cease to the ends of the earth. They were originally a small, but fierce group of fish that ate anything and everything smaller than them. They were the top of the food chain in their aquatic world, and they loved it that way.

But one day, a new fish arrived in their territory. This fish was much bigger than any of them, and it had no problem eating any of them for breakfast. The Burn Pit Scavengers tried to run and hide, but the big fish was too fast and too hungry. In just minutes, they were all gone - eaten by the big fish.

The big fish was happy to have finally conquered his rivals. He ruled over the pond now, with no one brave enough to challenge him. But he soon found out that being at the top of the food chain wasn't as fun as he thought it would be. With no one to prey on, he grew tired and bored quickly. And so began his long journey in search of new challengers.

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