Eurylae: The Chroma Saga

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The Central Botanical Solariums

“You don’t have a clue how I feel”

“I wish that death would take me to another star”

As I walk through the Central Botanical Solariums, I can feel death stalking me. It's like he's a hunter and I'm his prey. Every step I take feels like it could be my last. The air is thick with tension and I can't help but feel like something bad is going to happen.

I wish that death would take me to another star. Away from all of this pain and suffering. But instead, he seems to be drawing closer and closer with each passing moment. I can feel his presence lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

I don't have a clue how I feel anymore. All I know is that I want to escape from this place - from the pain and the fear. But death seems determined to keep me here until the very end.

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