Eurylae: The Chroma Saga

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The Encounter At Tsotai’s Bar

“Before the breach, everyone knew your mother’s name, kid”

[ Flourescent tubes humming ]

The first time I ever saw my mother, she was at Tsotai’s Bar. It was a dark and dingy place, but it was the only spot in town where you could get a drink. And my mom sure needed one that night.

She had just walked out on my dad, after a heated argument that left the house in shambles. She didn’t have anywhere to go, so she ended up at Tsotai’s. And that’s when I saw her for the first time.

She was sitting at the bar, crying into her beer. And I sat down next to her and offered to buy her another one. That’s how our friendship started.

We would sit at that bar every night and talk about our lives. My mom opened up to me more than she ever had with anyone else. And I felt like I finally had a mother again.

But then one night, everything changed. A group of thugs came into the bar and started causing trouble. My mom tried to intervene, but they turned on her and beat her up pretty bad.

I managed to get them off of her, but it was too late – she had already been stabbed multiple times. She died right there on the floor of Tsotai’s Bar… leaving me all alone in this world.

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