The Found

“Only one of us remembered everything”

“We have nothing. We are ready.”

Only one of us remembered everything. The Found. We have nothing. We are ready.

I remember the day they came for me. The memories of my life before that moment are a blur, but I know what happened next like it was yesterday. They dragged me from my home, screaming and clawing at anyone who got in my way. My family, my friends-they were all left behind. I was taken to a dark room and locked inside. Alone, with only the memories of my previous life to keep me company.

At first, I thought it was some kind of sick game-being forced to remember things I'd rather forget. But then they started coming for me night after night, torturing me with images and sounds until I thought I would go mad. And yet, through all of the pain and darkness, I clung to those memories like they were my only hope for survival.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they let me go free. They said that I had been chosen-that I was special because only one person could remember everything from the past timeline. They called me The Found and gave me a new name-one that would haunt me for the rest of my days.


Uigr’ot The Host


Neo York Transport Pilots