The Teeth In The Neo Tokyo Night

“Everyone is made up of such beautiful specific details”

“If that is not enough, what is enough?”

It was a dark night in Neo Tokyo. The teeth of the city chattered and ground against each other as the cold wind blew through the streets. In one of the many darkened alleyways, a figure lurked, watching and waiting. He was tall and thin, with sharp features and long hair that whipped around him in the wind. He seemed almost like a ghost, an apparition in the night.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He turned quickly, his eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of danger. There was nothing there... or at least, nothing that he could see. He began to relax slightly, but then he heard it again: a soft clicking noise, like someone tapping their fingers impatiently against metal. The figure tensed up once more, ready to run or fight if necessary.

And then, out of the darkness stepped a girl. She was beautiful, with delicate features and long hair that shone silver in the moonlight. But there was something different about her eyes... they were cold and hard, like ice chips glittering in the darkness.

The man hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Who are you?" he asked cautiously. "What do you want?"

The girl smiled slyly at him and held out her hand. In her palm were several small teeth, each one gleaming white under the moonlight." I want your teeth," she said simply. "All of them."


The Crimson Hidden


The Glandeco-Angelinian Saviors