Urban Patrol Scoutbikes

“She still plays his records. He wishes she’d give them back.”

“She never thought about him again. And he knew it.”

She still plays his records. He wishes she’d give them back. It’s been years since they’ve spoken, but he knows she’s still listening to those discs. They were a gift, after all.

He remembers the day they met like it was yesterday. She was cycling down the street on one of those new Urban Patrol Scoutbikes and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so graceful and confident, completely in control of her bike even at high speeds. He had to talk to her.

They hit it off instantly and started dating soon after. He loved taking her out on long rides on their bikes, exploring the city together. The music always played in the background, adding to the excitement of their adventures.

But then things changed. He doesn’t know what happened, but she just stopped talking to him one day. And then she stopped returning his calls altogether. The last time he saw her was when she came over to pick up some of his records- ones that were special to him for some reason- and never looked back again.

He always hoped that she’d come back someday, but now he knows that won’t happen. Still, he can’t help but feel a little hurt every time he hears one of those old discs playing through her window late at night…


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