Eurylae: The Chroma Saga

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The Deathless Forest

“I called upon the author to explain”

“The original is unfaithful to the translation”

He told me: "In a way, it's true. The forest is deathless. But not in the way you think." I begged him to tell me more, but he refused. "You'll see for yourself soon enough," he said with a sinister grin before disappearing into the night.

I could hardly sleep that night, thinking about what awaited me in the forest. As the sun began to rise, I gathered my courage and set out for the edge of the woods. Once I arrived, I could feel an eerie sense of calmness settle over me. It was as if the forest was waiting for me...beckoning me further in.

As I ventured deeper and deeper into the trees, the darkness began to close in around me like a suffocating blanket. And then...I heard it. The sound of someone or something sobbing softly in the distance. My heart raced as I tried to identify where it was coming from, but before I could get too close, it stopped abruptly as if whoever was making noise had been scared away or worse...killed outright.

The further into the forest I went,the more shadowy figures appeared amongstthe trees until finally...I saw her . A young girl...or at least she looked like one at first glance....but there was something wrong with her eyes .... They were black as coal and soulless . She stared at me with an unblinking gaze before slowly turning and walking away intothe darkness .

I wanted to turn back and leave that cursed place immediately , but some force kept me rooted to spot . Suddenly , from out of nowhere , a pack of skeletal wolves descended uponme , snarling and snapping their razor sharp teeth mere inches from my face . There seemed no escape hope .... Then everything went black .

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